

Club History

Does your country have a saying/slogan?
Firme y feliz por la union- Steady and happy for the union.

Can you tell us your team’s make up? How did your team come together?
Our team mostly came together through a few players’ jobs. The ones we started out with spread the word at work and have received a lot of interest.

How do you think soccer in general (and the Unity Cup in particular) promotes inclusivity?
Soccer promotes inclusivity by being accessible to all forms of people from different backgrounds and economic statuses. The Cup in particular allows groups who may not normally get involved in their community to come together.

What places (such as restaurants, cultural centers, or groups in Philadelphia) would you recommend to someone if they wanted to learn more about the culture of the country your team represents?
Vista Peru (20 S. 2nd Street) and El Balconcito (658 E. Godfrey Ave. and 7326 Castor Ave.) are great restaurants where one can get Peruvian food and learn a little more about the culture.

What’s one thing you wish more people knew about your team’s country?
We would like more people to know we have the best food in the world!