

Club History

Does your country have a saying/slogan?
“One People- One Purpose- One Faith” or in French “Un Peuple – Un But – Une Foie.”

Can you tell us about your team’s makeup? How did your team come together?
Guys from previous years. We already had a Senegalese Young Member group and used to play around a bit, and some friends we play soccer together.

How do you think soccer in general (and the Unity Cup in particular) promotes inclusivity?
It promotes unity and camaraderie through soccer. You meet new friends through the Unity Cup games and through scrimmage games.

What places (such as restaurants or cultural centers) or groups in Philadelphia would you recommend to someone if they wanted to learn more about the culture of the country your team represents?
There are several restaurants in West Philly, such as Kilimanjaro and Le Mandingue or Goree African Restaurant in Northeast.

What’s one thing you wish more people knew about your team’s country?
Senegal is home to Goree Island, a hub for the international slave trade of the 18th and 19th century. Goree Island, with its iconic “Door of No Return,” became a major transit point of the Atlantic Slave Trade. Senegal is one of the only countries in West Africa that wasn’t overrun by a military coup. It’s  a great vacation destination with great beaches, wildlife, and historic sites.



Unity Cup

Round One