

Club History

Does your country have a saying/slogan?
Naija no dey carry last.

Can you tell us your team’s make-up? How did your team come together?
Just Nigerians from diverse backgrounds. Word of mouth.

How do you think soccer in general (and the Unity Cup in particular) promotes inclusivity?
Team play = unity. Soccer shows how 11 people each playing their roles can be very successful.

What places (such as restaurants or cultural centers or groups in Philadelphia) would you recommend to someone if they wanted to learn more about the culture of the country your team represents?
Wazobia Restaurant in Philadelphia (616 N. 11th Street) and SA Café in Upper Darby (48 Garrett Road)

What’s one thing you wish more people knew about your team’s country?
Everything— culture, hospitality, talent.



Unity Cup

Round One